I have written a report for the BBC about what happens to people after they defect from Al Shabaab in Somalia. You can read the report here, in English and Somali:
Life after Al Shabaab - English version
Life after Al Shabaab - Somali version
Here are some photos from the rehabilitation centre. Thank you to everyone who spoke to me for this report and to those who helped me with it.
A leaflet with a phone number people can call if they want help defecting from Al Shabaab |
Filing cabinets containing information about the defectors |
Imans come to the centre to teach the defectors about Islam |
The defectors learn skills such as tailoring - these are some of the dresses they made. They gave me one with a matching petticoat. |
Here are some of the defectors who have learned tailoring skills. |
Some of the defectors train as mechanics.
Others learn computer skills such as video editing.
The defectors also go to class to learn literacy, maths and other skills.